Saturday, April 08, 2006
now there are two condo units for sale. talksalot arch nemesis is selling her condo too. there was one woman who looked at the condo next to talksalot. she has four kids. i don't want kids here. don't get me wrong, i like kids just not four of them in the backyard. and i can't imagine talksalot being too thrilled about having them next to her. talksalot made it a point to tell me that it was a black woman. so what? would she have made it a point to tell me that it was a white woman? i hate that.
anyway, the sales draw people to wander around the property. sans real estate agent. and sometimes they ask to come in and see your apt. it's like, that's what the real estate agent is for people. people can be so pushy and stupid. i can't imagine ever having the nerve to do that. i had enough of that when i was selling the house. i still hate the woman who bought it. i wish i could have sold it to someone whom i liked. one of those people who wanted to restore it. i don't know why i'm thinking about it so much lately. but i really loathe that woman. not playing fair and all that..
i got to sleep late this morning. i slept until seven-thirty. big deal! and i took some extra pills figuring they'd help me sleep longer. no dice. it's very comfortable having the head of my bed on those bricks. whenever i'm in the hospital i sleep with the head of the bed up. i didn't wake myself up coughing last night. or choking on my own saliva. pretty cool. i still drooled all over my pillow. oh well....that's why i have more than one set of pillow cases, right? i wonder if they have depends for your face.....
Posted by Lisa ::
10:33 AM ::
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