Tuesday, April 04, 2006
stinky tuesday
i cancelled the appt. with the squid this morning. just didn't feel up to it. after i left her a message i went back to sleep. slept til amost eleven-thirty. sean was due here at twelve so that we could go grocery shopping. she was pretty much on time today. i asked her if we could just go to coffee. we went to the place here in town. it's the second time i've been able to get my coffee without her help. the clozaril seems to be helping with my tremor. and the last couple of days my thoughts have seemed clearer. not necessarily brighter but clearer. like i'm coming out of a fog. the voices are dimishing. i assume that's why my thoughts are clearer. don't have to use half my brain to fight them. the suicidal thoughts are still there but i don't have much faith that they're ever going to go away.
tomorrow, sean and i are going to the fuel assistance office.not looking forward to that. i hate doing those kinds of things. makes me feel so stupid. like going to the food pantry makes me feel stupid.
Posted by Lisa ::
1:11 PM ::
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