Sunday, April 02, 2006
ice cream
just got back from a crowded wallyworld.i went with my sister and on the way home we got soft serve ice cream. my first of the season. and i managed not to get it all over myself. yay! i bought a closet rod but didn't get any hangers. hello??? i do have some but not enough. i thought my sister was going to freak when she saw the state of my apt. but she didn't say anything.
i'm drinking some Sam's Choice diet cola. it's not bad. i don't usually have soda in the house. so i have nothing to compare it to. i always have to have something by me to drink. probably keeps me from eating too much.
the property taxes came yesterday. whoopie. at least i have the money to pay them. i trust that i do, i didn't open the envelope yet. :P
i'm doing a load of laundry. i've been pretty good at keeping it up lately. i think of those days when woman had to go down to the river to wash clothes. they were some tough people.
my stomach is starting to feel funny. i had a bowl of questionable left over rice.
i should be meeting sean tomorrow. she'll ask me what i want to do. i think i just want to have coffee.
the nurse screwed up my meds this weekend. she didn't give me my three seroquel prns. seems like everytime i turn around, they're making a mistake. i should have called but i hated to make her come back out since she was sick. so it's been kind of a rocky weekend. though i did okay at walmart. didn't feel like i was going to pass out from anxiety. i've only done that a couple of times. and not lately. it's very embarrassing.
i've got to clean this place up. that's what i always say, and what gets done? i don't know, maybe i should let sean help me. though i really want to do it myself. but i'm not doing it. i want a clean house again. arrrgh. if i wasn't so damned stubborn it would be clean by now. i would have let someone help me.
i feel like i should go up to cemetery and clean around the graves. maybe sean could come with me. i don't even have my little tools anymore.or i don't know where they are. i'm sure she has some.
it's after seven and it's still light out. i'm lucky i had a time planned with my sister or i'd still be an hour behind. kind of forgot about the time change. i had just gotten out of the shower thinking that i had an hour before my sister came then opened the puter and saw the time change. it was time for her to be here. quickly got my head out of the towel and got ready. fortunately she was a little late. i sat out on the steps and waited for her. the wind dried my hair a bit.
i just ordered my nephew's birthday presents from amazon. he has a wish list on there. i always feel like i want to get him something other than off amazon but he can never tell me what else he wants. he and his girlfriend are redoing their kitchen. they spent 1200 dollars on a fridge. on of those stainless steel ones. it was marked down from 2000, so he figured it was a great deal. he has very expensive tastes. but he works his butt off so he deserves it. they spent 2000 dollars on tiles for the kitchen. he's kind of impossible to buy for because he's got such expensive tastes. has since he was a teenager. i like bargain stores, personally.
now i'm just rambling.
Posted by Lisa ::
3:15 PM ::
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