Tuesday, March 28, 2006
still no nap
rats! i came back from meeting sean and had the afternoon to take a nap. once i laid down, i couldn't sleep. i guess i should have tried one of my sitting up on the couch with a cat in my lap naps. but three of them were in bed with me. thought that would do the trick. nope. this has felt like a really long day. doesn't seem like today that i met with the squid. seems like days ago. what the hell is going to happen tomorrow night when they double the clozaril? it took me eight cups of coffee to wake up today. it should be interesting. how do i get cathair up my nose? no matter.
it's finally dark. i feel better after dark. i can't see what a mess my house is. how do i get cat hair up my nose. must have to do with giving ella endless kisses on the top of her head. i must be inhaling. i look like an eighty year old man with white hairs coming out of my nose. which makes me think of drawing with pastels and blowing rainbow snot. we art students had it hard. there was this one model in figure drawing who (naked) kept doing these ridiculous positions. the instructor and i got the giggles and he knew that we were laughing at him. it was awful but he looked like such an idiot. everyone used to make fun of my penises. to me they were just flaccid fat so that's how i drew them. in a single stroke. i thought they looked fine but they never ceased to elicit laughter from my fellow students. i may never get over that. scarred for life because i can't draw a penis. they probably have that on my diploma that i never picked up. earned degree-can't draw a penis.
Posted by Lisa ::
6:54 PM ::
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