Tuesday, March 21, 2006
talksalot is paid!!!!!!!
just came back from a jaunt over to talksalot. paid her for march and april. i quietly slipped the envelope through the mail slot and tried to close the screen door quietly, then ran away. didn't want to have to talk to her.
i think i nearly overdosed on caffeine this morning. i'd been drinking coffee all morning thinking i was meeting sean at three. she called after twelve asking where i was. oops. supposed to meet at noon. so i went into town and ordered my usual large coffee. i got home and started to feel woozy. it's better now. that was about an hour ago. still feel a little funny when i stand up. but that could be my body adjusting to the increase in the clozaril. one of the side effects (besides drooling-slurp) is light-headedness upon standing. they tell you to stand up slowly. how do you stand up slowly? i picture looking like some kind of robot. tomorrow sean and i are going to conquer wallyworld. the cats will get their twenty pound bag of meow mix. no one has barfed in a few days. and they're not getting sick of the donated friskie's (knock on wood.) i have the back door to the porch open for them. ella and oliver are out there sunning themselves. it was only supposed to get up to 40 degrees but it's definitely warmer than that. i think i'll check my weather pixie. excuse me a sec. that reads 45 but i think it's warmer than that. must be 50. there's no wind. it's beautiful out. though it is clouding up a bit now. when i walked out of the coffee house, i couldn't believe how warm it was.
chuck is going nuts, zooming back and forth, bouncing off the furniture. now she's laid down. like she's going to take a nap. zooming to asleep in 5 minutes flat.
sean wanted me to get a special treat for dinner because my check came. i thought of poppers but all i really want is rice and salsa. i've been living on that, you'd think i'd be sick of it but i'm not. the salsa turns it into a delicious dish. although today, the convenience store was out of the HOT salsa so i had to settle for medium. won't be the same.
i can't believe that i can actually pay my bills now. later i'll write out the checks. and fill out the form for food stamps. uck! i hate the thought of it, but i do qualify and someone from sean's office told me that because i'm on medicaid i also qualify for a reduction on my electric bill. 33%. that's a lot. especially with the rates so high now. and the same person told me that if i indicated on the food stamps application that i had an air conditioner they give you more.
okay this is long enough.
Posted by Lisa ::
3:16 PM ::
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