Friday, March 17, 2006
i'm having some now. iced, of course. my first coffee of the day. sean and i didn't meet for coffee. she took me grocery shopping.
she said she left a message for talksalot. i told her that talksalot left me a message that she wouldn't talk to her and sean said, "oh, she'll talk to me!" she's so cool. but i doubt that talksalot will answer her calls. she must recognize the number by now. i was talking to teressa about it and her thought was that talkslot knows she's met her match with sean and that's why she doesn't want to deal with her. i think she's right.
my sister is coming back from south carolina either tomorrow or sunday, i forget which. i hope she had a good time. i didn't hear from her while she was gone except a call to tell me that they arrived safely, so i'm taking it as a sign that she was having a good time. she more than deserved to get away from things and enjoy herself.
H. called me yesterday. he had a question about a "realtionship issue", as he put it. sean thought it was strange that he turned to me. i felt glad that he called me about it. we had one of the most affable break ups that i've ever heard of. we went shopping together for things for his apartment. i helped him move some of his big stuff in. we spent weekends together and it was no big deal when he found someone to be with. we don't talk as much anymore but that's kind of to be expected.
icky, stern nurse is coming in the morning. at least it's just tomorrow and not sunday. i'm really looking forward to sleeping in on sunday. of course i'll probably wake up at the usual time, but i can go right back to sleep.
somehow, last night i drooled on my hair. one side of my hair was all wet when i woke up. LOL i don't know how i managed that. and i didn't take a shower this morning so i walked around all day with dried spit in my hair.
Posted by Lisa ::
7:03 PM ::
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