Tuesday, March 14, 2006
i'm pulling my hair out
okay, so i'm not really, but i could be. sean and i went over my bills today. she made some phone calls to ensure that no one was going to turn anything off on me, like the gas or electricity. i didn't bring my cable bill. didn't feel right about it. not exactly a neccessity. well, it feels like it to me. but i don't think it falls under that category. the whole thing made me a nervous wreck. and made my asthma act up. oh joy. so i'm taking a loan from her office to pay the least amount that the companies would accept to not shut off my service. plus a little extra for gasoline, cat litter,, dry cat food and regular food. she also called my case manager at DMH and asked for gift cards to the grocery store. she wanted to take me to the grocer's today but i just wasn't up for it. even now that i'm home i can't relax. just popped a couple of klonopin. hopefully they'll kick in soon. and i think i'm getting sick. my chest hurts and i have this great cough.could just be from the asthma but i don't feel short of breath anymore. i don't know.
i have a wonderful pdoc appt. tomorrow morning. i imagine she'll increase the clozaril and decrease the seroquel. i still can't believe that this process is going to take six months. it seems inhumane. but what choice do i have? none. on webmd.com, they actually stated that the clozaril can help you enjoy life more. i've never read that about a drug that i've taken. not on that website anyway.
i came home to a barf fest all over the living room rug. that was pleasant. i really have to get the cats back on their meow mix.
oh, sean also called fuel assistance and they gave us an appt. and said that they'd pay the whole bill. i'm surprised so late in the season that they have funds left. grateful but surprised.
hey, all four cats are in the same room.
Posted by Lisa ::
3:24 PM ::
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