Monday, March 13, 2006
a long winter's nap
just woke up. okay, maybe it wasn't a long winter's nap. but it was a winter's nap. all my bras are driving me crazy with the straps slipping. i'm losing weight that's the only thing i can attribute it to.
listening to Andrea Bocelli sing Ave Maria. that's the song they played at my grandmother's funeral. i didn't have anything played at my mother's funeral. i should have come up with something, even if it was the same as my grandmother's another thing to kick myself over. it would have been nice to have them play a song.
poor oliver was outside for my entire nap. i don't even remember lying down.
the cats have a habit of coming into the bathroom with me when i pee. how many of you can pee and pet a cat at the same time? i can't. i have to ignore one or the other. my brother peed on his cat once. he didn't know the cat was in the bathroom and there he was peeing and suddenly this head pops up. the cat looking to see what was going on. peed right on the back of his head. spent half an hour chasing the cat around the house trying to clean off his head. he'd croak if he knew my SiL told me.
Posted by Lisa ::
8:50 PM ::
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