Monday, March 06, 2006
the elusive check
do i have it????? no. sean had the day off today because she worked yesterday. she didn't tell me that ahead of time. she called about one-thirty and said she was off. we made a time to go to the ss office tomorrow morning. neither of us remember how to get there. we had to stop twice and ask directions last time. so it was rather a let down today. i waited all morning for her to call. then i finally called her at the office. she wasn't answering. i figured she was out with a client and didn't leave a message. then she called about a half hour later. so we'll be going tomorrow after my appt. with the squid.
i'm up on the third floor again. i love it up here. and it's much warmer up here. i'm listening to Sarah McLachlan. haven't listened to her in a while.
does anyone know a good stain remover for a couch? oliver threw up on the couch and i assume it's the stomach acid that has left a white spot. i realized that they threw up less when they were on Meow Mix all the time. i think i'm confusing their stomachs by buying the cheapest dry food. when i can, i think i'll see if sean is up for a trip to wallyworld and i can get a huge bag of the Meow Mix. they're doing well switching from the Fancy Feast to the Friskies. they don't seem to mind at all.
the Roos cooked something disgusting for dinner. couldn't quite identify the smell, but i knew that i didn't want an invitation to dinner. it even smelled in my bedroom. yuck!
i have to remember to get my blood work done tomorrow too. i wonder what time they open. every week for six months. like i said, it'll be worth it if it works. and i haven't started drooling yet. yay!
Posted by Lisa ::
7:59 PM ::
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