Monday, March 06, 2006
from the third floor. haven't been up here in a while. Boo is sitting almost on top of the keyboard. she's been a little attention seeker this morning.
i haven't heard from sean yet. i was hoping that we'd get to the ss office this morning so that this afternoon i could go get things straightened out at the bank. i could call her, but i'm sure when she knows what time she can go, she'll let me know.
i like being up here. looking down on the rooftops. almost all the snow has melted. we're supposed to be in the 60s by next weekend. that'll take care of the rest of the snow. wouldn't it be nice if spring is here. i long to see the buds on the trees. I WANT SPRING!!! i don't know why, it's not like i have room for a garden anymore. i really miss that. this neighborhood just sucks. i feel like i'm never going to get used to it. i did decide that this spring, i'm going to paint my enclosed porch. it looks pretty bad the way that it is now. old dirty paint. and i'm going to make it bright and cheery. maybe put some of those glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. i'm sure sean will help if i ask her to. she'll find it fun. i'll find it fun to have someone to do it with.
oliver is up here dozing on the futon. i'm not sure where Boo went off to. but it's certainly easier to type without her sitting on my fingers.
obviously, i really don't have anything to say. but i didn't let that stop me....
Posted by Lisa ::
11:33 AM ::
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