Saturday, March 04, 2006
i thought....
this clozaril was supposed to be sedating. this is the second or third time i've woken up tonight. and i did take the rest of my nighttime pills.
sean took me to the food pantry yesterday. then we went up to DMH to get a grocery gift card and she took me to the grocery store for things i couldn't get at the food pantry. most importantly, cat litter. i'd been forced to use the emergency cat litter. which isn't scoopable. i hate it. i'll have to clean their box out good today and put the normal kind of cat litter in. the cats and i both, will be glad. i guess i could do it now. it doesn't make much noise.okay, did it.
i don't think i'll be going back to sleep until after icky, stern nurse comes. i'm planning to sleep as much of the weekend away as my body will take. and the cats will have a say in that as well. maybe watch some movies. though just sleeping sounds like the best idea.
Posted by Lisa ::
4:30 AM ::
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