Tuesday, February 28, 2006
just got up from a nice marshmallow. i had one short disturbing dream that i can barely remember. it was, of course, about my mother. the most disturbing ones seem to be. and that darned house. i feel like i should go to confession. "bless me Father, for i have sinned. it has been 10,430.000 days since my last confession. i sold my mother's house." and he'd say the same things everyone else has said. i did all i could to keep it but i just didn't have the means. my brain knows that. so why am i constantly haunted by my dreams? i wanted to talk to the squid about them today, but it just wouldn't come out of my mouth. i'm so afraid to show any weakness in there.
i sent H's father a belated birthday ecard. he wrote back that he'd eaten over a quart of delicious rice pudding on his birthday. i thought that was pretty funny. after all these years, i can never remember when his birthday is, and i still don't know. i just know that i missed it. my palm pilot used to keep track of all that information. then i let the batteries run out. a real no-no. i lost all the information on it. and my old iBook where the information was kept went wonky so i lost the information on there too. so i'm pretty clueless. i remember a few birthdays but hell i even forgot mine the year before last. it took a birthday call for me to remember.
it's cold out there tonight....wait a minute....it's about 8 degrees. i worry that there isn't enough room in the shelters for all the people who have no home. we have a whole homeless community who live down in "the meadows", just on the edge of farmland. tents, fires in barrels, the whole thing. there but for the grace of god.
i've had to resort to the emergency cat litter. it's clay, non-clumping and it's terrible. i just scooped it out and there's so much dust in the air. the cats don't like it, i don't like it. hopefully on thursday i'll be able to get the good kind. sean is going to take me shopping on thursday assuming i get a check tomorrow. probably even if i don't get a check, she'll take me shopping.
we went to the coffee place here in town today and i was having trouble keeping track of what she said. the voices were loud. she was the one who was reading the paper. i was just looking at the pictures.
oh, hurrah. the first woman was elected into the Baseball Hall of Fame! that's pretty exciting. i'd love to go back there. i was just a kid when i went.
i don't know how long it's going to take to get started on the Clozaril. i had my blood drawn today. by a "student." i was a little leary but she did a good job. i didn't even feel the needle going in. i have to wait for the pdoc to get the results and then i guess i can start on it. i'm a little afraid of this drug.but if it's going to help, i'd just as soon get started on it as soon as possible. hopefully before the weekend. Denise offered to make me bibs to take care of the drooling.LOL after seeing her work on templates, i'd like a bib from Denise. and i could wear it around the house, ripping it off whenever someone came to the door. and drooling on them. that would make talksalot leave me alone.
the bursitis in my hip is acting up. must be all this cold.
sean asked me today if i wanted to go to the greenhouse at Smith. i said maybe, or rather she said maybe and i nodded my head. i think i want to go. it'll be nice to go into a warm place and see all the incredible flowers they have in there. the last time i went my allergies went crazy but this time i have the flonase and might take some dayquil as well. yeah, it's a plan, we're going.it's great having so many colleges in this area. there's always something going on. not that i tend to take advantage of them all but....Smith also has a great museum. sean and i have talked about going there. they redid it a couple of years ago. they have a lot of nice pieces in there. nothing like MoMa or anything. but really nice just the same. Kandinsky, O'Keeffe, Pollack, and Mark what's-his-name, etc.
anyway, can you tell that i'm just at the babbling point here? oh, who cares, you can stop reading whenever you want to, i'm just going to babble along. ah, i changed my mind, i'm going to tend to email and then read some blogs...
Posted by Lisa ::
11:12 PM ::
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