Wednesday, February 22, 2006
cat food
H.'s father just came. he brought 5 cases of cat food (48 cans to a case.) the cats are set for.....urg, math. a LONG time. they better like it after being spoiled with Fancy Feast. though i suppose if they're hungry, they'll give in and eat it even if it isn't the gourmet they've gotten used to. of course, the cases smelled like dog (he has three of them) so the cats are going crazy smelling the boxes. he's a good guy, A is. he really likes to help people. it makes him happy. it makes us all feel good when we can help but he seems to get a special joy from it. and i'm certainly more than grateful. as are the cats. they won't go without dinner for a long, long time. hopefully never again.
i just got a gas bill for $805.00. gotta laugh. i thought i had paid last months bill. it looks like i haven't paid in a couple of months. must consult check book. and i'm keeping my thermostat at 65*, which doesn't seem like it's too high. i still freeze in here sometimes, sitting here by the window.
i feel up to going to the food pantry today. though i would rather go back to sleep. maybe they'll have more rice. ughhh. oh no mr bill! nooooo!
$805.00 that's really funny.
Posted by Lisa ::
9:27 AM ::
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