Saturday, February 18, 2006
it's f*cking cold!
and yes, i'm drinking iced coffee again. against the advice of a friend. it's one of my vices. the other being smoking. i guess there are worse things. well maybe not as far as the smoking goes. looking forward to the antibiotics starting to work so that i can get rid of that searing pain in my head when i stand up. i'm taking ibuprofen which seems to be helping.
i can't believe that it's going to get so cold tonight. i think of the people who don't have roofs over their heads or a real place to call home. i imagine the shelters will be overflowing tonight.
icky, stern nurse was nice this morning. she checked out my finger she cut the ring off of. told me to get one that fits. d'oh!
i'll see her again tomorrow. it's nice to have a break from regular nurse and her constant stories of her family. i know more about her than she knows about me. i don't think that's the way it's supposed to work.
my pillow is calling me...
Posted by Lisa ::
8:36 PM ::
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