Friday, February 24, 2006
i watched some of the Olympics. they re-run the good stuff from three to five am. i saw the women's figure skating. the young woman who won, from Japan, was incredible. i still don't know how they do all of those fast spins without puking on the ice. i guess it's something about keeping your head in the same position, i don't know.
but i feel good having watched at least one venue.
i used to look forward to the Olympics so much. that was when both summer and winter were in the same year. so it was every four years instead of this every two year crap. i used to look forward to a lot of things. i still have my days when i look forward to things but frankly, i miss the mania. up all night working on projects, out all day doing things. working. none of this having to have someone come and help me take out my trash because it makes me too nervous to do it myself. none of this having people in my life to take care of me shit. i have the right to refuse to take the lamictal. and right now i feel like it. all i do is go to my appts., meet sean, blog a little and sleep. i want there to be more to my life than that. and it feels like this fucking mood stabilizer has taken away all the good things and left shit. i have a pdoc appt. on wednesday, unless they can get me in sooner. if she was here before me right now, i'd say, i want off all the drugs. don't want to take them anymore. i can feel like shit without them, thank you.
Posted by Lisa ::
5:17 AM ::
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