Thursday, February 23, 2006
so far today
i was up in the middle of the night. that darned bladder! once i've turned the light on and trekked down the stairs to the bathroom, i'm up for a while. went back to sleep around three-thirty. thought for sure it would be enough time for sleep to hear my alarm. nope. woke up to the nurse knocking on the door. there seems to have been a mix-up with my antibiotics. regular nurse says i have none left. the pharmacy was supposed to deliver them to the office. guess that didn't happen. but do i say anything? of course not. i'm such an idiot about things like that.
i went back to sleep after the nurse left. slept for a couple hours. woke up, said, what am i doing awake? then went back to sleep until sean called. she asked if i wanted to get together today and i said, no, i don't think so. she offered to come to me and take me to coffee. so i agreed. we ended up having a good time. so i'm glad i went instead of going back to sleep.
Posted by Lisa ::
4:13 PM ::
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