Tuesday, February 28, 2006
six months
i stil can't over that the pdoc said that the change completely over to the Clozaril is going to take six months. that's a bloody long time. that's how long i'm supposed to hold out for. it's rather discouraging. but i've held on this long. what the fuck is another six months? i guess.
sean talked to Mr. Goodwanker yesterday. he said i should be getting a check for march, which would come tomorrow. and i should also be expecting a check for a couple thousand in retro benefits. a check better come tomorrow! i'm down to 90 cents. literaly. the march check is not going to cover what i owe the bank.
saw the squid today. she asked me about the suicidal thoughts. i told her that we could talk about something else. she didn't push. good thing for her. i'd have picked on her hair or something.
sean came to get me for coffee early this afternoon. the coffee wasn't bad. we read the newspaper. i told her that i felt better than yesterday. which i do. but i know it won't last. i mean i feel better, not like i'm going to take on the world or anything, but being out of the house was okay. okay, here comes the mail carrier. does she have a nice blue envelope for me? nope.shit, there goes the dream of having something for dinner other than rice. shit. i guess i can get through one more day of eating that.
Posted by Lisa ::
3:40 PM ::
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