Wednesday, March 01, 2006
not any of you. you're all sweeties. it was from a dream i had this morning. there were all kinds of things going on in the dream. and then my mother entered doing inappropriate things and i woke up saying "fuck you." who knows, maybe this is the end of those dreams. that sure would be nice. i'll find out tonight. i gave up on my plan of getting two or three hours of sleep at a time. i was tired all the time. back to sleeping mostly through the night.
it's fucking cold out there today. the sun is shining and the winds have died down but it's still cold. it's cold in here. i guess it's me.
boo keeps climbing up on my shoulder and just sitting there. i feel like i have an obese parrot perched on me.
no clozaril yet. maybe tomorrow.
i so want to take a nap but i'm afraid that i won't wake up in time to meet with marsha. and being late for that would mean being late to meet sean.
i hope the mail carrier comes at a decent hour so that i can cash the check. i've got a pot half full of rice in the fridge and if i could get some salsa to go on it, that would hold me until sean and i go shopping tomorrow. i haven't heard from my sister, so i assume we're still going for prime rib tomorrow. always feels silly when you just go shopping and you go out to eat. but it will be nice to see my sister. she sounded pretty depressed in her email. great, two depressed people going out to eat a dead animal. sounds enticing, doesn't it?
Posted by Lisa ::
12:35 PM ::
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