Wednesday, March 08, 2006
oh to be a kitten...
they're always happy. doesn't take much to amuse them. and they get all kinds of cuddles. but curses, i was born human. with a brain that doesn't work right. whine, whine, whine.
i have to go get my blood drawn today but i'm going to wait until a little later. i'm meeting sean at noon for coffee. and today is the day that i meet with marsha. i've got the morning to putz around. don't dare take a nap, afraid i won't get up on time.
i'm hoping to go to dinner with my sister tomorrow. i emailed her an invitation but i think i'll have to call her tonight. she doesn't check her email on a regular basis.
i hope ss gets that damned check back so they can issue another one. this time to the right address. fuckers. their screw up and i get the short end.
this stupid song keeps going through my head. The Rattlin' Bog. heigh ho the rattlin' bog, the bog down in the valley o.
i hope you all know that song and it gets stuck in your heads too. what can i say? i just like to share...
of course Happy, Happy, Joy,Joy, is in my head too. thanks to Babs. two songs fighting for control.
the cat just clawed me trying to get attention and i got totally pissed off. i hate that. getting pissed at her, i mean. she's just being a cat. i hate my anger. i'm afraid that one day, i'm just going to lose it. probably over something small.
my real estate agent, his wife stabbed their cat. i can't imagine that. as much as they piss me off sometimes, i can't imagine ever doing that. she's bipolar and apparently wasn't on her medication at the time. it's beyond me how someone could do something like that. she took her to the vet, but they couldn't save her. it makes me sick to think about it. just plain sick.
Posted by Lisa ::
8:02 AM ::
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