Monday, March 13, 2006
is sitting in front of the screen, just off the left side of the keyboard, watching everything that happens on the screen. i have to crane my neck to see around his ears. he keeps letting me give him kisses which he doesn't usually let me do. right now he looks as though he's going to doze off sitting here. maybe he'll hit the futon soon and take a nice nap. when i moved, i was going to ditch the futon, or at least put it in the storage area. i'm glad that i didn't. the cats like to sleep on it when i'm up here. the only other place for them to get comfy up here is the rocking chair which has a pillow they managed to slip down onto the seat. ollie just went to the futon. i can see again.
i'm waiting for a call from sean to see what we're up to today.
looking out at the birch trees makes me miss the little japanese maple tree H. and i planted in the yard. we called it Amos. we named everything. we got it as a sapling and it was doing so well. ms. bitch, who bought the house, better not have dug it up. when i moved, it had grown into a nice little tree. i really dislike that woman. she was such a bitch at closing. i can't believe that it still gets to me after a year. she was just a bitch, that's all. she got what she wanted for a great deal and still argued over things. bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, BITCH!!
i wish that i could let things go easier. it's not about holding a grudge, it's just about the feelings that come back. feeling like it was just last week. i can't seem to get over things. and i blame myself. i blame myself for letting her get away with so much. acting like a brat. the old, if you don't give me what i want, i won't buy the house. which was bullshit. but couldn't take the chance that she'd actually back out. manipulative bitch.
gosh i wish that i had that house back. but i've been through that before, couldn't afford to keep it up. blah, blah, blah.
maybe once i get things cleaned up in here, i'll feel better.
i'm just watching a squirrel hop across the road. we have black squirrels here. they're so cute.
ugh, tomorrow is the squid. ugh and double ugh. i've been going there for several months and i've gotten used to her hair sticking up but i still don't want to talk to her about anything. the only one i really trust is sean. and i guess i trust my pdoc. the squid is nice enough. i just don't want to talk to her. the pdoc asked me if i was more comfortable with sean than i am with the squid. well, duh! i've known sean for two years. much longer than i've been seeing the squid.
Posted by Lisa ::
9:59 AM ::
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