Monday, March 13, 2006
101 things about me
1. i'm bipolar
2. i'm a natural redhead (more auburn than red)
3. i haven't had sex in two years and with these meds, i don't care to anytime soon.
4. both my parents are dead
5. i have an older sister whom i'm close to and an older brother i rarely talk to.
6. i had another older brother but he killed himself when i was 14.
7. i've been hearing voices for over ten, count them, ten years.
8. i love old movies
9. i once dated a married man.(later found out his wife was pregnant)
10. i love animals, i have four cats
11. i cut to relieve tension
12. i've dated a lot but only had two serious relationships.
13. i have a lot of regrets about those relationships.
14. i once went a whole year without eating chocolate.
15. i've been bulemic and anorexic.
16. i first had sex when i was 14.
17. my first real crush was on another woman.
18. i'm trying to stop smoking.
19. i watch my neighbors for excitement.
20. i'm better at listening than talking.
21. the last time i got stoned, i thought it was raining in the living room.
22. i've had an abortion
23. i've had one miscarriage.
24. i hate my neighborhood.
25. i've hurt people and it haunts me.
26. i wish that my mother could have died at home.
27. i wish that i could have known my father better.
28. i'm overweight.
29. i'm going to turn 40 this year and it's freaking me out.
30. i've only had six jobs in my life. and none of them lasted long.
31. i collect old baseball cards.
32. i was a tomboy.
33. i went to my jr. prom with a cast on my leg.
34. my date wore a leisure suit. (how embarrassing)
35. i once dated a guy whose penis was just too big.
36. i've always wanted to own an MG.
37. i sold my childhood house last year and moved into a condo
38. i got caught having sex in a car.
39. i was once in a car that was being chased by the police. (we got away)
40. i'm really embarrassed by my scars
41. i used to weigh 100 lbs. (i'm 5' 7")
42. i love the third floor of my condo
43. i've always wanted to have children. pictured an Irish Catholic brood
44. i can't have kids because i have to be on meds that could cause terrible damage to a fetus.
45. i get lonely sometimes
46. but i like to be alone
47. the only people i see on a regular basis are paid to see me
48. i cut last night
49. the Sopranos is my favorite tv show. followed closely be the Gilmore Girls.
50. are we half way through yet?
51. if i won the lottery, i'd move to a place with no neighbors.
52. note to self: play the lottery, you'll have a better chance of winning
53. i was sexually, physically and emotionally abused as a child
54. many days, i wish i was dead
55. i've taken 5 overdoses
56. i've never had boobs to speak of
57. i am terrified of tornadoes
58. i hate dog slobber
59. talksalot intimidates me
60. i want to shoot the Roos with a BB gun
61. I LOVE COFFEE ( did i already use that one?)
62. i worry about my sister a lot and feel responsible for her
63. i love going to fairs
63. i own a guitar, clarinet and a keyboard but only know how to play by ear.
64. i came really close to using a chainsaw once ( i won't say on who)
65. i miss having pet mice
66. the cats miss it too. they just stare at the empty cage.
67. i think i've only been in love twice in my life
68. i honestly don't know what i'd do without sean.
69. i wish i could hold down a job
70. i wish i could be normal
71. i'd like to have another relationship at some point
72. i love birch trees
73. i never imagined living in this town
74. i think Pres. Bush is worse than a moron
75. fall and spring are my favorite times of the year
76. i'd like to go snowshoeing
77. i want a jacuzzi in my condo
78. i love raw cookie dough
79. i miss my mom and my dad
80. i would never commit suicide because of what it would do to my sister.
81. i don't know what i'd do without my kitties
82. i once worked picking cucumbers. (me and my allergies lasted about three days)
83. i like to get drunk once in a great while
84. both my parents were alcoholics
85. it killed one of them (my dad)
86. i regret a lot of things that i've done in my life. knowing that i could have done better.
87. i won't go to a concert unless it's Bonnie Raitt or Mary Black
88. driving on the highway makes me nervous
89. i want to take care of everybody, even though i know that i can't
90. my window is dirty
91. more???
92. i used to want to be an Air Force nurse
93. i was offered a job at the local paper as a photographer but i didn't have a car at the time
94. i used to bicycle at least ten miles a day
95. i loved that time
96. my eldest brother died by his own hand and i don't think that i shall ever forgive him for that
97. i was lucky to have him as the best big brother anyone could have
98. almost done
99. i love photography
100. i don't know what i'd do without my internet
101. i've been very lucky in life, bad things have happened but i'm still here and have some wonderful people in my life.
Posted by Lisa ::
3:45 PM ::
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