Tuesday, March 14, 2006
yep, me again
well a combination of the klonopin and looking at kitty pictures helped me to calm down. oh yeah, and some iced coffee.
guess i'm making up for not blogging for a few days, huh? i'm back to being a bloggin' fool. i stole one of the pics off the cat site for my desktop. i don't know why, i never see the desktop. always have something open obscuring it. but i put it on there anyway. yes, i've had a lot of COFFEE. hadn't had creamer all weekend so i'm making up for that too.
i really should call talksalot to tell her that the condo fee is going to be late again. she said that she wouldn't talk to sean. that it was illegal. sean said bullshit. but she had me sign a waiver today. just so she could tell talksalot that it was all very legal. i wish i could like talksalot. she's always been nice to me. that's not the problem. i'm not sure what the problem is.
i think i talked more to the squid this morning than i have since i've been going. told her about my nephew and the stripper. we talked about the other times that i've moved and how it was never a big deal but that this time seems so permanent. and i think that's the problem. i thought i'd be at the house forever. but the thought of being here forever, it just doesn't feel right.
it was kind of funny today, hearing sean's business voice. while she was on the phone. i never hear her business voice. she usually goes away from me when she has to make a business call. it's funny to hear that other side of her. ms. no-nonsense.
all very efficient. whereas she's usually rather discombobulated. (sp)
i really want to go to Ireland. i had the money a year ago but i wasn't well enough to take a trip. now i don't have the money and i'm still not well enough. wasn't it supposed to be an equal exchange? someday i'll get there...
Posted by Lisa ::
5:48 PM ::
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