Wednesday, March 15, 2006
rainbows and monkey butts
sorry, just had to get that out.
sorry, just had to get that out.
see above.
this no getting my check thing is getting really, really old. i'm sure you're as tired of reading about it as i am tired of thinking about it. i should have called talksalot. didn't do it. should have called the agency that loaned me the money for last months condo fees, didn't do it. should have called the bank. didn't do it. the only thing i got accomplished today was seeing the pdoc. oh, and i made it out to get cat litter. whoopie! well, i think the cats were pretty excited. there was almost none left.
oliver just made a pre-barf sound and headed upstairs. uh oh. when the damned check comes i can go back to feeding them meow mix. hopefully that'll stop all the barfing around here. the rug can't take much more. and neither can i.
i wish i was going to dinner with my sister tomorrow. would give me something to look forward to. i'm meeting sean pretty early.
talksalot must be cussing me for not giving her the condo fee. i was afraid she was going to come to the door looking for it. i think it's late enough now that i don't have to worry about that.
sean never called me back today. i don't think she checks her messages very often at all.
i don't know what it is with the evenings lately. i get so lonely. i used to like after it got dark. now i just feel empty. i don't want another relationship (which is good cause i'm not going to find one hiding in my house.) i guess i just want some company. that would require making phone calls. yuck! i just feel like such a loser compared to my friends. one of them just works at a sandwich shop, but at least she works.
i wonder if the increase in the clozaril will start tomorrow. just thought of it cause i caught myself drooling. one place where H. worked as a puter tech, they had this computer come in from a special needs client and the whole thing was covered in drool. i don't think he even had rubber gloves to put on. he finally moved in with his girlfriend. they moved their wedding date to the first of september i think he said. it's going to be weird having him married. funny actually. not funny strange, just funny. i don't know why. something just makes it funny. like my brother getting married. well, i'm sure that former girlfriends won't be invited to the wedding so i won't have to worry about getting the giggles in the middle of the ceremony.
that would be horrible. like getting the giggles in church. slapping my thigh and snorting would not be looked upon favorably i'm sure. it's not like i think she's getting the short end of the stick or anything. i just can't picture him as someone's husband. there i go laughing again. okay, got a grip.
Posted by Lisa ::
7:58 PM ::
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