Wednesday, March 15, 2006
sunshine and snow
at the same time. pretty cool. the snow's not going to amount to anything. that's the kiind of snow i like. pretty when it comes down and doesn't stick to the ground. windy as hell out there. makes it feel like about ten degrees. the snow is going sideways.
went to the pdoc today. she did what i thought she would. raised the clozaril and went down on the seroquel. she was going to give me some samples but sean didn't trust me with them. hell, i wouldn't trust me with them today either. so she's going to have marsha pick them up. i don't get to see marsha today. she's taken the day off. so i'll see her next week. the pdoc asked me if i had any side effects from the clozaril. she asked about drooling. i told her only at night. i wake up with my pillow sopped. she said there was a med that would stop that. but after i was off of some of the meds. i'm drooling a bit during the day but nothing i can't wipe away with my fingers. i know, a wonderful picture i'm giving you.
i have a call into sean. i have to call asswipe, i mean talksalot to explain why she isn't getting the condo fee today. but i don't know what to tell her as far as when she'll get it. i don't know how long the loan from sean's agency will take to go through. i was hoping that checks would show up in the mail today, but only catalogues that i don't want. i get so many damned catalogues. i guess that comes from only shopping online, huh? my own fault.
i hope sean gets my message. she doesn't always listen to her messages.
the gift cards to the grocery store weren't ready today. sean called the guy who paints on his sideburns and he said there was a glitch. i don't know what that glitch was, if sean knew, she didn't tell me. maybe we'll be able to go shopping on friday.
my sister will be gone for more than another week. yesterday, when my asthma was giving me a hard time and i was starting to think that i should go to hospital, i realized that my sister was the only person i could call. but she wasn't there. i realized, between wheezes, that i've let so many people drift out of my life. and worse that it only takes a phone call to have them be there. but phone calls just seem so hard. and it's hard to make plans when you have no idea how you're going to feel. i'm sure folks know how that is.
Posted by Lisa ::
11:14 AM ::
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