Tuesday, March 28, 2006
happy tuesday
just got back from the squids. we spend way too much time talking about her plants. i had four glasses of coffee before i left and i still felt like lying down on the floor and going to sleep. this clozaril really kicks my ass. i feel like i could sleep all day. i wonder what's going to happen with the increased dosage. i'll be a zombie, a fucking drooling zombie.
have any of you read in the news about "sexsomnia?" weird. don't know what brought that to mind.
how do i find super woman's blog? i went there and there was nothing since january, which makes me think i'm in the wrong place. help!
i'm so friggin' tired though i don't dare take a nap. i'm afraid my alarm won't wake me and i'll worry sean cause i'm not showing up for coffee. if the alarm doesn't wake me, the ringing of the phone won't either and i'll awake to her knocking on my door, thinking i'm dead. that won't be good.
now on my seventh glass of coffee. my brain's clearing out a little. a very little. and now i'm out of coffee. knew i should have stopped at the store after leaving the squid's. but i just didn't feel like it. just wanted to get home and have a cigarette. i never take any cigarettes with me when i go out. i don't want the car smelling like smoke.
Posted by Lisa ::
10:10 AM ::
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