Friday, March 24, 2006
i lost my pots..er post
it was just getting good too. but writing it down took it all out of my head. something about my nephew and being very proud of him. proud of the way he's handled this whole situation. saying that my sister did a good job of raising those kids alone, with a little help from aunite ish (as i used to be called.) they've both grown into good guys. one of which i hope will help me change the locks on my doors. they didn't do new locks when they turned them into condos. and my locks suck. i have to leave the front door unlocked when i leave because you can't unlock it from the outside. and the back door, H. fiddled with to get it to lock but i have to lock the storm door so it doesn't blow open, so that doesn't help.
i'm thinking of getting poppers tonight. either that or a pizza. a pizza would be better for the same money i'd have leftovers. i'm surprised that sean didn't ask me if i had food. o yeah, she called this morning and said she couldn't meet. i only saw her three days this week. she said she'd call monday morning to make a time. i just have to deal with the nurse in the morning and i have the rest of the weekend to be a hermit. i'm hoping to clean the house. i'm not spending as much time sleeping as i was for a while there. i feel like i could sleep all day, but i'm not giving into it.
i'm listening to the Bonnie Raitt cd that i picked up yesterday at walmart. her latest. it's pretty good. a couple of songs that i could do without. but Bonnie Raitt could sing the phone book and make it sound like something. i've seen her in concert twice. once at a large park in town, i didn't even notice the mosquitos.it was ridiculous. there was this long line to get into the part of the park where she was performing and as soon as they opened it, people just started pushing and shoving to get in totally avoiding the line. felt like i was with a bunch of mannerless children. but K and i got a good place a few rows back. i don't even remember if she had an opening act that time. when i saw her at Tanglewood, she has Chris Isaac as an opening act. am i babbling? i feel like i am.
guess i'd better stop.
hey when are we all going to get a chat together? okay, i've had some COFFEE. i confess.
Posted by Lisa ::
2:36 PM ::
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