Thursday, March 23, 2006
sean and i didn't make it to walmart yesterday. i wasn't up for it. but we're going this morning.
she called my pdoc yesterday. i don't feel that the klonopin is doing any good and i was hoping that she'd switch it to something else. the pdoc called me this morning. she said that i might not really feel the effect of the klonopin because i've been on it so long. but if she took it away, she thought i would definitely feel it. she also gave me an extra seroquel for a prn. and decreased the geodon and replaced it with seroquel. those are the nighttime meds. this is all very confusing. sorry if i don't do a good job of explaining it. she suggested putting books under the feet of the head of my bed to stop the nighttime drooling. i think i'm just going to get another pillow at wallyworld today. i don't want to do that to any of my books.
i just fucking drooled on the touchpad. nothing to do but laugh about it.
having dinner with my sister tonight. apparently while she was gone to south carolina, some bad things happened with my nephew, the stripper and his housemate. she said she'd fill me in at dinner. i have a feeling i'm going to have to kick the strippers ass. i just have a feeling that she went after my nephew's housemate. but my sister really gave me no clues in the mail she sent. somebody hurts my nephew and i'm going to have to kill them. i mean it. he's such a good kid. i guess i'll find out who i have to kill tonight. maybe i could have Dick Cheney do it for me.
sean is due in a little while. wonder if she'll be on time today. silly me, for even thinking such a thing. at least she shows up eventually. she hasn't forgotten me yet. once, when i was a kid, the school bus driver forgot me. my mother was such a bitch about it. instead of just getting out of bed and taking me to school, she called and had them send a minibus to pick me up. it was really embarrassing. those were her drinking days. she wasn't very likeable. i just broke the cardinal rule: "what goes on in this house, stays in this house."
i've noticed one thing with the clozaril. it's very hard to get up in the morning. luckily, i have ella to keep me on schedule. she'll bother me until i get up.
marsha just called. icky, stern nurse is going to come late this afternoon with the med changes. i hope i drool on her. that's not nice. she's been much nicer lately. not dogging me about the shape of the apt. i just get her talking about herself and she doesn't have time to say anything. i'm going to try to get all my paper recycling together so that sean can take it away. the other choice is the dumpster. i hate to do that. we really should have some recycling bins here. maybe i'll bring it up at the condo meeting. then again, i probably won't. it's next wednesday. whoopie!
so it's $7.99 prime rib tonight with mashed red potatoes and salad. and god knows what i'm going to hear about the stripper. i wonder what it was about her that he finally gave up his virginity. sean thinks he's gay too. i told her i thought he was. and why and she kept saying, he's gay. it was kind of funny.
well it's about time to go off to wallyworld. where i will return my cart to the appropriate area.
Posted by Lisa ::
9:35 AM ::
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