Saturday, March 25, 2006
there are a ton of robins around. the sign of spring. not this weekend. but they're saying that it's going to be in the 50s and 60s this coming week. i can definitely deal with that.
i have to go to the nursing office this afternoon. my clozaril hadn't come in. so it was go to the office (providing it has come in) or have a visit in the morning. i chose going to the office. marsha is supposed to give me a call. to let me know if she got the clozaril and what time i should meet her. it's a pain having to get a new script every week. they do that so that you can't avoid having the bloodwork done. the co-pays get expensive when it's every week too. i think, after six months, it goes to every two weeks. that'll make it a little easier.
didn't end up having pizza or poppers last night. settled for some instant mashed potatoes. i never measure. i should have. they were like glue. should have just put some butter on them but didn't. was in a weird mood last night. it was filling though. i've been hungry since i've been on the clozaril. i try to ignore it most of the time, since i'm not excersizing. but sometimes my stomach will just growl so loud and so long, i give in. i think i'm going to go for the pizza tonight. eggplant, tomatoes and extra cheese. they make such good pizza just down the street from me. i'd walk to go get it but it would be cold by the time i got back. there's never any place to park. there's a special space for just to go orders. but some jerk is always parked there. and probably parked at the bar too. i guess if he doesn't pee, it is a to go order.
Posted by Lisa ::
12:41 PM ::
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