Monday, March 27, 2006
just got back from the pdoc's. she doubled my clozaril and took away my geodon. i guess we'll find out how that works. from now on, i guess you can just call me double dribble. sean said we could go get some bricks for under my bed.
the nurse came today and took a look around and asked me when the homemaker was coming. this was regular nurse not icky, stern nurse. she asked me what was going on, said that i never would have lived like this in hamp, with cat hair all over the place. i acknowledged that i wouldn't have. after she left i reached for the broom and did a quick sweep of the kitchen. then i went to get my blood drawn and brought the vacuum from the car back in with me and plopped it in the middle of the living room floor. now of course the cats have been asleep in the living room ever since i brought that vacuum in. and of course, i'm not going to start it up and scare the hell out of them. should have done it before i left for the pdoc's instead of taking a nap.
is anyone else having trouble getting into certain people's sites?
Posted by Lisa ::
10:32 AM ::
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