Wednesday, April 05, 2006
good news
sean and i went to the fuel assistance office to day and they're going to pay over eight hundred of what i owe. that'll only leave me a few hundred dollars including the rest of the heating season. my big fear,as far as heating goes, has been that my furnace was going to give up because it's old. the woman at fuel assistance said that if anything went wrong with my heating unit they would pay to get it fixed. that was incredible news. the woman at the office asked if i was handkcappted or disabled. and i waited a minute then said no. sean jumped in and said, disabled. i still can't get used to that. i think of disabled as a physical limitiation not a mental one. without sean i would know none of this. but that's why i get the big bucks every month LOL.
it was snowing pretty hard this morning. it wasn't sticking to the road just the grass and the cars. now the sun is out and it's melted all the snow. weird change in the weather. it's New England, why the hell am i surprised?
okay, depression seeping in after the relief of the fuel bill.
i see marsha this afternoon. that should cheer me. i'm thinking of cutting out the nurses on saturdays. i know that she'll go along with it. and if it doesn't work (i.e. i take all my pills at once) i'll just go back to saturdays again. it wouldn't make me deathly ill to take them all but i imagine i won't feel so good.
boo seems to have lost her jump. she even crawls up onto the couch. she doesn't seem to be any pain though. she's about 15, i think. it's just a little hard on the furniture. but if i wanted perfect furniture i shouldn't have cats. i think i'll opt for the wear and tear on the furniture.
i just called my sister and we're going to dinner tomorrow night. the usual. $7.99 prime rib. best eight dollar dinner in town. well actually, the next town over. just over the town line to her town.
talksalot called me four times in about twenty minutes. i guess everyone else was at work and she needed to spew. all about the former owner of all the condos. some of the things didn't stick in my mind. we do need roof work which she thought he should have taken care of. mostly just saying the same things over and over again.
i'm having a particulary drooly day today. i catch it just in time, thank goodness. i was afraid i was going to drool on my shirt while we were at the fuel assistance office. oh well, there are worse things.
Posted by Lisa ::
11:07 AM ::
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