Tuesday, April 11, 2006
i was all set to see sean today. she called around three and said that she wasn't feeling very well and we made a time for tomorrow. at least i didn't wait around all morning for her to call. i made the best use of the time by taking a nap. i woke up with drool all over the front of my shirt. but it kind of helped to wash the strawberry juice from breakfast.
i saw marsha this afternoon and she offered to call in my scripts for my inhalers. i don't know why i have so much trouble doing that. i'm out of the rescue inhaler. it's just shooting out air. i should have taken care of it last week. if i have a real problem, my sister lives right up the road a ways for a trip to the hospital. but i'm sure that won't be neccessary. i've been breathing pretty well lately. i haven't woken up coughing in about a week. and things aren't blooming yet here, so no sex dust (pollen.)
i don't feel as clear headed the last couple of days as i had been. maybe lydia's pain med got to me through osmosis. i was going to say, maybe she'll be more careful next time. but she's a drug addict, she's not going to do anything differently. the squid had a point, that maybe she didn't get them from a friend, maybe she bought them. i'm sure anyone with her history of drug problems knows how to find them. just called her. wasn't home, or wasn't answering. i trust she's all right. i feel bad for her. she has such an addictive personality. she said she had been getting 100-200 lottery scratch tickets per week. but that she's cut down. i don't know where she gets the money. she does have a part time job, but she gets SSI and SSDI. so she really lives under the poverty level.
i just called my sister to see if she wanted to go to dinner on thursday. yes, i'm a little social butterfly this afternoon.
i have a pdoc appt. on thursday and i expect her to raise the dose of clozaril. which means more drooling and more of not feeling very well. i don't feel sick exactly, just not well. if that makes any sense. i have to be careful standing up or the room goes black. i know that will pass when i get used to the med.
i have the feeling that i unintentionally offended someone here. if i did, you know who you are and i apologize. it was nothing on purpose.
Posted by Lisa ::
3:42 PM ::
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