Monday, April 10, 2006
feeling pretty blah today. slept all morning. sean is off today so after regular nurse left, i just went back to bed. got up, took a shower and went to get my blood drawn. braless. ha! i'm still perky enough to get away with it.
when i got home, talksalot called. she gives me chestpains. i won't even go into what her problem was today. but as usual, she repeated it over and over again. one of these days while talking with her i'm just going to collapse and the coroner is going to find that i died because my brain exploded.
i'm going out to dinner with my friend Lydia tonight. i haven't seen her in months. since before christmas. no prime rib special tonight. we were going to go to Nini's. the best italian place around. but they're closed on mondays. drat! there aren't many restaurants in town. in Hamp there are like a bzillion. but parking there is such a pain in the butt.
ahhhh. COFFEE! damn it tastes good. iced, of course.
the cats are enjoying the back porch. i had both the front and the back doors open but there was too much of a breeze coming in the front door. tomorrow and wednesday, it's supposed to get into the seventies. yay!
tomorrow sean should be back in the office. it'll be nice to see her. i don't like these long weekends. tomorrow i go see the squid. i cancelled last week so i have to go tomorrow. it just seems like such a waste of time. i forget how long i've been seeing her. i'm more comfortable with her but i still spend a lot of time talking about the fact that she should repot her plants.
Posted by Lisa ::
1:47 PM ::
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