Wednesday, April 12, 2006
sean came over and we did the trash and then went to coffee. i was feeling pretty good. then i don't know what happened. she dropped me off and i was still feeling okay. then, all of a sudden- BAM! nose dive. i called sean but she wasn't in. i left her a message but she's not good at checking her messages. i want to cut and i probably will. i know that i'm just going through rapid cycling but that doesn't make it any easier. i know that in a couple of hours i could feel good again.
okay, why do all the straps on my bras fall down?!! it's really getting on my nerves.
so glad that Babs got her blog back.
geez, i feel like shit. and no poppers to cheer me.damn. i didn't cook them well enough when i had them in the middle of the night. only a couple had the cheese really hot. oh hell, they were still good. maybe i just need to have poppers everyday. maybe i could get a prescription for them and the insurance would pay for them.
lydia called while i was peeing and left me a message. something about losing her job, but that she didn't like it anyway. my guess is she went to work on those pain pills. i tried calling her back but she didn't answer. she sounded sober in her message, at least.
Posted by Lisa ::
2:17 PM ::
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