Saturday, June 24, 2006
yet another day
slept most of the day. my sister called and asked if we could do lunch tomorrow instead of today. fine with me. don't feel like going out.
i was trying to give my weather pixie the benefit of the doubt, but like Babs', it lies. there is no way that it's only 76 here.
they had an air show at the AFB. every time a plane goes over, one of my sister's dogs goes flying outside and barks his head off. he must have been fun today. running out there every five minutes. i doubt that she got much rest. i heard a lot of planes yesterday. they must have been coming in for the air show. slept through it all today. i hate hearing military planes going over. makes me nervous.
we're supposed to get some heavy rain. there's a flood watch in effect. wish i could send some of it down to you, babs and jackiesue. maybe if i blow real hard. although i'd hate to take away js's fun in doing her naked rain dance. and i'm sure her neighbors would be disappointed as well.
okay, guess what i got? no. nope. no, guess again. still no. okay, i'll tell you. it's a chocolate fondue thingie that works like a fountain. a very good friend sent it to me. i can't wait to try it out. i think i'll try covering strawberries first. in about a week, i'll let you know how it went.
i'm sleepy but everytime i lie down, i get restless. don't quite know what to do with myself. could clean the house. hahahahahahaha i crack myself up.
Posted by Lisa ::
4:31 PM ::
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