Monday, June 19, 2006
it's all right. it's only one question. does anyone else out there get chills when it's really hot?
we just had a little bit of a thunderstorm but it didn't really cool it off. strange about thunderstorms. when i was renting, i loved thunderstorms, but the minute i was a homeowner, now condo owner, i don't enjoy them. i spend the whole time saying, please don't hit the house. lightning, please don't hit the house. even though it was a short storm, Boo was scared. she was right up against my leg, then decided to run upstairs and go under the bed. i wonder if i would fit under there, just for future reference. i prolly could with the bricks under it.
i'm going to the doctor tomorrow about my voice and i'm going to tell him AGAIN about coughing and peeing and coughing til i vomit. and he's going to give me some good cough syrup, dammit. i've tried over the counter ones and they just don't last long enough and i got the "'long acting" kind.
now that i have both doors open, there's a nice breeze. i'm still glowing (sweating) though.
talksalot has scheduled a meeting for thursday and awwww i can't make it. wedding and all. it's going to be a joy to call her and tell her i can't make it.hahahahahahahahaaaaa and she's planning a cook out which i will decline the invitation to. had i known that buying a condo would be like this. i might have looked at a smaller house instead. then i wouldn't be forced to socialize with my neighbors. i want to socialize with neighbors because i like them not just because they're neighbors. i miss my old neighbor, Liz. she was a great neighbor.the kind of neighbor you could just suddenly go get ice cream with. she was the kind of neighbor who'd bring you cookies at christmas time. and we met the old fashioned way. a spring storm took down part of the huge tree in her side yard, we happened to have a dumpster so i went over and asked if she wanted to put her branches in the dumpster. she was so grateful. then we started greeting each other and talking when we were both outside. ta-da! good neighbor!
Posted by Lisa ::
7:22 PM ::
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