Sunday, June 18, 2006
the wedding plans
just got back from my sister's and ate my half of the cantaloupe. wasn't very tasty. i was disappointed.
only one of my nephews will be able to make it to the wedding, the other has to work overtime. i can't even afford to get them a gift. i'll be scrounging to buy them a card.
oh, people just drove up and are getting into the duck's pool. it's feckin' hot out there. in the nineties. my sister said it's 95. it's not bad in here. i left the door to the backporch open when i left the house because chuckie was out there. but the sun started to creep around and she came in and threw herself on the floor so i closed the door. it was letting in some hot air.
so i saw my nephew at my sister's and do you think i remembered to ask him about putting the a/c in the window? of course not. now he's at a friends house and i don't want to bother him. his birthday is tuesday, turning 30! yep, i feel old. anyway, maybe i'll be able to see him then. though i think he has to work overtime all week. someone is on vacation.
the swimmers just left wrapped in their towels. damn them.
i do wish i had my a/c in. if not for me, then for the cats. ella just went out, though i wasn't sure she should in this heat. i'll check for her soon.
yes, i'm just rambing on. guess that means it's time to wrap it up. hope everyone found some joy in the day.
Posted by Lisa ::
2:43 PM ::
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