Saturday, June 17, 2006
the wedding
my sister is getting married thursday evening. i have nothing to wear, of course. the ceremony is in their backyard. i wish they had a pool instead of a hot tub. it's supposed to be freakin' hot this week.
the sale on one of the condos just went through earlier in the week and the people are already moving in. it always cracks me up when people choose to use their cars rather than rent a truck. a hundred little trips instead of one or two. big things tied to the roof. back seats full, trunk wide open. maybe they can't afford a truck but you'd think if they just bought a condo, they'd have fifty bucks to rent a truck. ah well... another thing that is none of my business. there's just so little entertainment around here.
omg, chuckie just used the litterbox. be right back. managed to scoop it out without passing out. my feat for the day. chuckie is the only smelly one. don't know why. she eats mostly dry food. occasionally she'll have some canned but not often at all. "smelly cat, smelly cat." (i forget the rest of the words.)
i'm going to my sister's to cut my cantaloupe. all my big knives are still packed away. and tiny didn't think my swiss army knife would do a very good job. i tend to agree with her. the cantaloupe is almost the size of a bowling ball. ten pin. i confess, i have bowling trophies from when i was a kid. softball trophies too. i love softball. and a dictionary for winning a spelling bee. why do they give a dictionary to the winner? shouldn't they be passing them out to the losers? just one more thing that i don't understand.
Posted by Lisa ::
8:19 AM ::
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