Saturday, June 17, 2006
i can't get my email. something screwy at the server end. i hate that. always feel like i'm missing something.
it's mac and cheese for dinner tonight. whoopie! better than nothing. i'm actually looking forward to it. thinking of taking a nap before then.
took a nap. wet the couch. it's the fucking clozaril. never had any problem like this before. h called. he's having a really hard time. thought it was pretty funny that my couch is all wet. former lovers are pretty supportive about those kind of things. at least he didn't offer to bring me some Depends.
(now sunday morning)
slept in, then went back to bed for a nap.
i can get my email today. yay! i hate not being able to. always feel like i'm missing something.
just called my sister and got the fucktard. she's out grocery shopping. i never did go over to cut the cantaloupe yesterday. hoping to do it today. it's pretty damned ripe.
obviously, i don't have much to say. i think i'll lie down until my sister calls.
Posted by Lisa ::
2:25 PM ::
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