Thursday, June 22, 2006
guess what?
it looks like there's going to be no wedding this evening. big surprise, huh? the fucktard left a few nasty messages on my sister's cell phone. i really don't believe what a son-of-a-bitch he is. i told her that he was never going to change and she agreed with me. she sounded good for the morning she's had. she's working and apparently he's sitting at home not answering his cell or the house phone. she left him a message about not having the balls to say that he didn't want to get married. i really hoped that he could go through with this instead of hurting her again. i'm so pissed off i want to rip his head off. actually i want a BBgun and a clear shot of his testicles. he's such an asshat. i don't know why she stays with him. he's always been emotionally abusive. but, unfortunately, she loves him. what a fucking asshole.WHAT A FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!!!
Sorry, Irish temper showing.
anyway.....that's the update from here.
hope y'all are having better days.
Posted by Lisa ::
10:35 AM ::
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