Tuesday, June 20, 2006
help! i can't stop playing with the nose hair plucker that tiny sent around. it's addictive. i think i'm going to have to go into detox. i've heard of addicted to porn, but addicted to plucking? this is bad. so sad.
off to the regular doctor today. blech. it's too fucking hot. i'll get all washed up and then by the time i get there, i'll be a sweating mess again. i should have gotten the a/c in the car fixed last year when i had the money but i kept procrastinating. and pretty soon it was fall and i didn't need it anymore. now, i need it.
got something from the pdoc to control my drooling. hasn't kicked in yet. supposed to take a couple of days.
i just cancelled my drs. appt. just don't feel up to it and my voice is basically back to normal anyway. the other things, well i guess i'll just live with them and hope that they go away. i'm just not up to going back out today. especially when it's so sticky out. like some huge monster with a giant tongue is waiting on the other side of the door and if you go out there you'll stick to his tongue like flies to fly paper. well, that's a wonderful image. sorry.
i hope it's not this sticky on thursday. the temp is supposed to go down. around 85. a breeze would be nice. just a cool little breeze. nothing to blow over the cows. yes, my sister lives next to a farm. farmer bob. may the breeze not be from the direction of the cows.
fucktard better say, i do. i have this horrible thought of him backing out. i'd have to kill him. i'm trying not to think about it.
got a great word from tiny. "asshat." that's someone with their head up their ass. you probably figured that out. i had to ask.
i'm off to pluck some nosehairs.
Posted by Lisa ::
9:25 AM ::
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