Wednesday, June 21, 2006
tomorrow, ughh
i want to go to this wedding about as much as ..as much as....well, something yucky.
i've got to remember to charge the battery and empty the card in my camera. i'll have to dig out the tripod so that i don't ruin all the photos by shaking.
i'd like a lime popsicle. or a fudgesicle. haven't had one of those in forever. come the first of the month, i'll get one or the other or maybe both. the juice pops are the best.
is today the first day of summer? or was that yesterday? if i had my damned calendar up, i'd know. doh!
marsha and i talked a little bit about sean this afternoon. she suggested writing her a letter. she's seeing mr. drawonsideburns tomorrow and is going to ask him if i sent a letter to DMH if it would get to her. i don't know what i'd say that wouldn't make her feel guilty. i don't know what to do. maybe i should just leave things alone. sorry for going into this again. someone said to forget about her calling. that she'd just been doing her job and now she's moved on. maybe that's the case regardless of what she said.
back to thinking about tomorrow. i really dread going to this wedding. i know that's horrible but i can't help it. he's not going to be any kinder to her because there's a ring on her finger.
i'm all over the place tonight. i'm just going to post this before i keep rambling.
Posted by Lisa ::
6:02 PM ::
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