Friday, February 10, 2006
shit, shit shit!
i just lost an entire post. i kept getting errors so i restarted my browser and that seems to have taken care of the problem, but now i can't recover my post. i'm sure it was full of good things though now i can't remember what they were.
one thing was that i'm feeling better than yesterday. none of those ideations that i had last night.
no check in the mail today. i hope sean was able to get a hold of Mr. Goodwanker.
~hours later~
sean came, just about on time too. she surprised me.i had to hurry up and put the stickie on my forehead that read toilet paper. we took out the trash then went to coffee then she brought me to the local grocers to get the food that i'd need over the weekend. and both toilet paper AND kleenex. yes, Babs, the kind with lotion in them. haven't taken them for a test drive yet. just got home. sean was saying that she was worried about my food situation. i told her i had plenty. she said we could go to the food pantry and the big grocery store on monday.
apparently sean wasn't able to reach Mr. Goodwanker. hopefully she'll be able to on monday. damn, i forgot to ask her about the condo fee. it's not easy asking for things. but sometimes you have no choice. it feels funny when sean pays for my food even though i know that she'll be reimbursed. but when we go to the big store, the company has an account set up. so she doesn't have to dish out any of her own money.
it's f*cking cold here. i froze when we took out the trash. of course i didn't put my coat on like sean told me to. i just hate coats. i feel like the Michelin(sp) man.
thank you Chatty for all your kind comments. and the chocolate was french and i believe italian. :)
Posted by Lisa ::
4:44 PM ::
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