Thursday, February 09, 2006
i got to meet sean for coffee today. though i don't remember much of it. my SS check still hasn't come. i told sean and she was going to call Mr.Goodwanker. she said that she was afraid this was going to happen because goodwanker didn't seem like he had a clue. it would have been good if she could have reached him today though it's kind of late so i don't think she did. she said she'd call me if she got through to him. i really hope the check comes tomorrow.
woah, chilly toilet seat ( me had to pee). usually, it's like a heated seat because the heat is right next to it. brr...
here comes the heat. i thought it was getting chilly in here. about time to retire to the third floor. there, i shall write some more useless drivel.
gosh i want some poppers and a cheeseburger....but rice or soup is my fate.
ugh, just tried some sweet potato bisque. it was horrible. i tried two spoonfuls and that was all i could handle. the garbage disposer got the rest.
Posted by Lisa ::
4:23 PM ::
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