Saturday, February 04, 2006
boring saturday
how do i know if it's boring? i've been asleep. i guess i have to be up for a while before deciding it's boring. i'm having some iced COFFEE.
oh, did i tell you after my pdoc appt. that my ekg was normal and that my prolactin levels were high? she wants me to only use the prn risperdal if the voices get really bad. i don't like that. i'd rather head them off at the pass then wait for them to be bad. did i already tell you all this? forgive me if i did. so anyway, i don't agree with her about that. i should have told her that. but i never seem to do anything other than agree with her. i did tell sean the next day that i wasn't really comfortable with it and she just said that she thought the pdoc was just trying to get me off of so much of it and try to deal with it with the geodon. which i already knew. but she didn't raise the geodon, so i'm preparing for some not very good days.
i have this favorite ring. that i haven't taken off in years. well it's gotten too small. the nurse this morning decided that it has to be cut off. i've tried soap and water, it just won't budge. she's worried about it cutting off the circulation to my finger. so she's going to bring something in the morning to cut it off. at first, she was going to send me to the emergency room. then said that she had something to get it cut. she said if my finger started to turn blue or get numb to have her paged and she'd come over. this is icky, stern nurse. she can be really nice when she's not telling me to clean my condo.
the Roos have their damned bass going today. i can hear it very well even though i'm playing music. what i need is a recording of How Great Thou Art that i can play really loud. you know, with the speakers up against the wall. it's not really loud enough to complain about it, just enough to be annoying. i saw him carry that speaker in when they moved in. i knew it would be trouble.
damn, i don't want to lose this ring. it's my favorite ring ever. that's why it hasn't come off in years. sean asked me just the other day if it was hurting. then she started to poke at my finger and asked me if it was numb. it wasn't.it's only gotten bad in the last week. i don't know why.i'm still taking the diuretic, but my fingers get puffy anyway. damn. usually it's the humidity that makes them swell up, but that certainly isn't the case this time of the year.
okay, this post is long enough....
Posted by Lisa ::
12:30 PM ::
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