Tuesday, January 31, 2006
back from the vampires
sean picked me up pretty much on time. i was sleeping sitting up when she came to the door. she must have done her little knock but i don't remember hearing it. when i woke up, all i saw was her head peeking in the window. she's so cute.
got my ekg done. sean actually came in with me for that. even though it only takes a minute. and the woman who did it was kind enough to pull all of the sticky things off. then we went to wait to get the blood drawn and sean's phone rang so she didn't go in with me for that. something tells me that she doesn't like the sight of blood anyway. then she took me to do some shopping. i didn't get much but did get some creamer and cat litter (they were sadly in need), and some tortillas and cheese and salsa.
tomorrow is my pdoc appt.and my day to see marsha. i'm going to remember this time to talk about doing without the nurses on sundays.
i feel better than i did yesterday. not so desparate. still kind of pissy. but seeing sean put me in a better mood, i think. and just getting the stupid stuff done at the hospital made me feel better. it's no longer hanging over my head. our hospital has valet parking, which makes going there a lot easier. not having to hike half an hour in the snow to get to the door. slight exaggeration on the half hour. but it was snowing...
i just ordered some poppers!!!!yay!!!!!! haven't had any in weeks. and they promised me that they were filled with cheddar cheese, not cream cheese. i thank a very good friend for the ability to get the poppers. yummy! they better not screw them up. i'm really looking forward to them.
i had given sean a belated birthday card last week. told her she could wait to open it. wrote something in it. today, she said it was very sweet.
now it's snowing big flakes. it's only supposed to accumulate to one inch or so. snow is pretty when you know you're not going to be trapped in your driveway.
Posted by Lisa ::
3:45 PM ::
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