Saturday, January 28, 2006
bored and tired of blowing my nose
it's 50 degrees here today. am i going out to enjoy the warm weather? no. doesn't interest me in the slightest. even the cat prefers the back porch.
i can hear bad music from next door. maybe once the cat comes in, i'll retire to the third floor and play my own music. the speakers on the iMac are very good. i get so spoiled weekdays when the Roos are not home. Mrs. Roo was vacuuming earlier and i kept hearing Bam, Bam, Bam as she ran the vacuum into the wall.
ella came in. their music isn't loud enough to complain about, just loud enough to annoy. dammit! and they have this bass speaker that i could take a hammer to long about now. i hate having neighbors. i really do. i should live out in the middle of nowhere.
okay, i took a two hour nap. i wish the bathroom wasn't on the first floor. i'd have peed and gone back to bed if it was on the second floor. but once you've come down those stairs, the nap is all over. i can't breed true my node.
okay, one of my pet peeves. the Roos must have company. and they parked their minivan right at the end of the walkway. so if i was to go out to my car, i'd have to trudge through snow. why do people do this? smack dab at the end of the walkway? i want to take my wiffle ball bat and smack them upside the head. many times. over and over again. repeatedly. until my bat is bent or my arm falls off.
Posted by Lisa ::
1:11 PM ::
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