Wednesday, January 25, 2006
what woke me up?
i went to bed around ten-thirty. woke up at two-thirty covered with cats. i don't know why i woke up. and so wide awake. i didn't even take a nap yesterday. i usually wake up for a few minutes around four, then go right back to sleep. hmmmmm...... i hope this isn't something new that's going to start. i'm getting way ahead of myself. it's just happened once.
i'm getting nervous about going to the ss office. i don't know what about it makes me afraid. i just am. and i'm nervous about going to the food pantry on friday. it's like being on a damned subway in there.
time for some Rescue Remedy. remedy taken. we'll see if it works. homeopathic stuff.but 54 proof. you only put a couple of drops under your tongue. great, now i'm crying. what the hell is going on? i was fine when i went to bed. didn't take me long at all to go to sleep. i don't recall any dreams.
now all kinds of shit is pouring into my thoughts. shit i don't need to be thinking about.
maybe i'll try to go back to sleep....
Posted by Lisa ::
3:21 AM ::
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