Monday, January 23, 2006
a wonderful surprise
i received a wonderful and very welcome surprise today. to the person who made that happen, i thank you beyond what i can express.
i think i got some payback for calling ducklady, ducklady. when i went out to move my car back into the driveway, she was out there talking to a neighbor. i was slipping and sliding in the mush on the road. i didn't fall, but i was close to it a couple of times. so she had a good show. not that i won't continue to call her ducklady.she is a ducklady.
i've had last year's calendar on the wall because i don't have one for this year. i kept telling myself that i had to go down to the bank and get one of their awful free ones. well, today i remembered that i got a barnes and noble gift card last christmas so i went online and ordered a cat calendar. they were all half price. of course with the shipping it was closer to full price but that was okay. so i'm going to have a calendar in a few days which won't confuse me. and i confuse easily lately.
does it ever seem to any of you that somedays your concentration is so bad that you can't follow what people say to you that everything seems to go over your head? that's happening to me more and more often. part of the time, i know it's because of the voices. but even when they aren't bothering me, i have trouble. things just don't seem to make sense. people might as well be talking a different language. and i see the squid tomorrow. last week i kept having to ask her to repeat herself. and the next day, i couldn't follow what sean was saying. i hope it's better tomorrow. i feel like an idiot having people repeat themselves. i wait a few minutes, trying to get it straight in my mind before i ask them, can you say that again? so they know that it wasn't that i didn't hear them. i feel like i'm walking around in a fog. and it's not that i'm overmedicated. sometimes i wish that i was. :) i'll never forget the time they gave me thorazine in the hosptial. it certainly calmed me down.
Posted by Lisa ::
6:48 PM ::
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