Monday, January 23, 2006
well the weather sucks up here
i don't know how much snow we have so far. seems like six inches or so. i just went out to clear off my car for when mr. plowman gets here and i have to move it. finally took that winter coat that a bought a few months ago out of the box. i hate winter coats. i always feel like the michelan (sp) man. but it sure made it warmer out there. even wore my gloves.i'm used to being out there in shirt sleeves with no gloves and my sneakers.my head did get all snowy and it's running down my forehead right now. drip,drip,drip on the trackpad.the snow seems to be slowing down so i hope mr. plowman comes soon.
now i'm in for some beets and flavored coffee. (yeah Denise, you'd better run!) now about beets, does it or does it not look as though something died on your plate? actually, i've never tried beets. just the sight of them is enough to produce a stifled dry heave.
there's this senior citizen who lives diagonally across from me. she's duck lady's mother. while i was clearing off my car, i could hear her talking to herself as she was shoveling. fuck this and shit that. she cracks me up. this autumn she was picking leaves off her sidewalk- "fucking leaf!" and she's not quiet about it at all.
i haven't heard anything from sean. but i doubt that she's working today. i wish she'd call if she's not going to come. at some time other than the last minute. ticks me off when she does that.
okay, i would really like a cigarette now. right, right now. maybe i magically forgot a pack in the drawer.- *goes and looks*-nope, didn't forget any. darn. damndarn.
Posted by Lisa ::
11:42 AM ::
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