Tuesday, January 17, 2006
another day
woke up in the middle of the night after a crazy dream. stayed up for a while then went back to bed. didn't hear the alarm go off this morning, but knew that i'd overslept because it was light out. i'd only slept about and extra fifteen minutes. the nurse was an hour late. it was getting to be time for me to go see the squid. but she came in time so unfortunately i had to go.
it wasn't so bad this morning. i left ten minutes early.
the cats got tuna fish again, now they know that i'm god. boy are they going to be disappointed when they get regular cat food or nothing tomorrow. i have to work up my courage and tell sean this afternoon that i need milk and cat food.
the SS office. we're not going today. sean didn't call until after noon and we made plans to meet at the coffeehouse.(she is now buying my coffee and charging it to her work.) and tomorrow i have my pdoc appt. so we can't go until thursday, at least.
i was pulling into the driveway after seeing the squid this morning and i looked on my front porch and my shovel was gone. why, i was thinking, would someone steal a shovel. no doubt those dirty bastards who took the no parking sign. as i walked up to the door i realized that it had just blown over and was down on the floor. am i starting to think like talksalot? if so, heaven help me. or take me out back and shoot me.
if you haven't already, stop by babs' blog and offer some encouragement. she's in for a rough week. she's always there when we need her, now it's our turn to be there for her.
Posted by Lisa ::
1:18 PM ::
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